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Chantal Stanfield

I started my professional involvement with Applauz Arts Initiative and Natalia Da Rocha at the beginning of 2007 but I’d met Natalia on previous occasions through studying with her daughter. I’d graduated from UCT in 2005 BA Theatre and Performance (Acting Bilingual) and had done television and theatre. But I had felt that much of what I needed to learn was actual hands-on education in my field and, in particular, the musical theatre aspect thereof. As a newbie in the industry, I sought out – in my own ‘quiet’ way – influential and inspirational artists from whom I could learn and be mentored by. Natalia Da Rocha turned out to be one such person. 


Natalia auditioned and selected me to join one of the groups she was directing to travel to Spain in 2007. Somehow, somewhere, she saw in me the potential to ‘be’ Whitney Houston for six months in a tribute show called ‘80’s All Stars’ and I’m very grateful for that! The rehearsal and groundwork process for the few months before departure were fulfilling, tiring, educational and funny. It involved long hours working cheek-by-jowl with the other groups in the company, bouncing ideas 

and performances off each other, dealing with inevitable disagreements and learning further professional conduct. Public showcases also helped us further solidify what we’d learned in the rehearsal rooms and we went off to Spain as a strong unit of high quality performers. 


Since then I’ve had the pleasure of adjudicating and attending more Applauz performances and saw for myself once more the calibre of hands-on training and understanding gained at the hands of Natalia and her company, from basic stage-craft and performance to behind-the-scenes work. 


I’ve also had the pleasure of Natalia directing two versions of my one-woman show ‘Ladies First’. I decided to go out on a limb in 2009 by trying my hand at my first one-woman cabaret show and only felt safe in my new venture with Natalia at the helm. It was a great success with the first premiere at the Darling Voorkamerfest and various versions playing at functions at Theatre in the Muze. This solo show has since helped me gain further confidence in my cabaret abilities at other shows and performances.


To Applauz Arts Initiative – it sounds clichéd but keep up the good work! Please! You’re not only instilling a sense of respect for the craft in future and current audiences, but also developing a sense of confidence, discipline and self-worth in all your students. I’m proud to be associated with the work done by this company! A round of ‘applauz’!!

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